Pop up native forest in Bond Street today – with free giveaway trees

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      Paul Andrews

      News from Wellington City Cuncil

      Wellingtonians are in for a surprise on Wednesday – the City Council is bringing the bush to the city for a day to launch Parks Week.

      On Bond Street on Wednesday there will be a pop-up urban forest made up of over 2000 native plants. As part of the Council’s 2 Million Trees project, staff will be giving away trees at the pop-up forest in the late afternoon. The giveaway goes towards helping Council achieve its target of planting two million trees in Wellington by 2020.

      To check what’s on during Parks Week, go to wellington.govt.nz/parksweek

      Parks Week launch takes place on Wednesday 4 March at Bond Street. Free native plants will be given away between 4-6pm.

      Full story on scoop here: http://wellington.scoop.co.nz/?p=75906

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