possum control – Tongariro National Park

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    • #12742 Reply

      from DOC

      Re: Possum Control Operation Tongariro National Park
      Hauhungatahi Block, July 2005

      This letter is to inform you of the forthcoming possum control operation being carried out by the Animal Health Board and The Department of Conservation in an area of Tongariro National Park between State Highway 48 and State Highway 4. The operation is intended to both protect native plants and animals in Tongariro National Park, and reduce the incidence of bovine TB on adjacent farms.

      Approximately 11,000 hectares of the operational area will make use of aerial 1080 cereal bait. The National Park water catchment (approximately 1000 hectares) will be treated with hand laid ferratox (cyanide), cholecalciferol, and traps. Poison bait will be laid up to the bushline. Aerial 1080 baits will not be be laid closer than 400 metres to Whakapapa and National Park Villages, or within 1 50m of Mahuia Campsite, to ensure that baits are keep clear of commonly used public areas. The Silica Rapids Track, Whakapapaiti Track, and a portion of the Round the Mountain Track will be briefly closed on the day of the operation while they are checked for poison baits.

      All attempts will be made to minimise intrusion on the public enjoyment of the Park from the operation. The exact timing of the operation is dependant on weather. It will commence in the first period of fine weather from 25 July 2005. The Contractor, Horizons Animal Pest Unit, will carry out public notification two weeks prior to the operation commencing and also place signage around the Village and on access points to tracks when poison bait is laid. During the aerial operation, staff will be on hand to ensure that tracks are cleared of baits and that the public is well informed as to the purpose of the operation.

      The water supply for Whakapapa and Iwikau Villages is not affected by the operation as the water catchment is to the north east of the Bruce Road, outside the operational area Given the cold conditions in the Park, a warming period of up to six months is likely to remain in force following the operation. During this period the public are advised not to allow children to wander unsupervised where poison has been laid, not to take animals for eating or bring dogs into the area.

      Please feel free to contact me at any time for if further information or clarification. You will be notified again prior to the commencement of the operation.

      Bhrent Guy
      Programme Manager
      Community Relations
      Ruapehu Area Office
      Telephone 07-892 3729, Fax 07-892 3814

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