Pourangaki River Travel?

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    • #14324 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd


      Does anyone know if one can easily get between Pourangaki and Kelly Knight huts via the Pourangaki River? From the map it looks like it could be a bit gorgy in places.

      Can it be done without a rope? If yes, does it require any swims? How hard is it and can it be done both ways? How long does it take? Is down stream much faster than upstream? Are there any nasty obstacles to contend with or is it a doddle?

      Any advice would be appreciated.


    • #17825 Reply
      Amanda Wells

      Hi Glynne

      Perhaps talk to Allan Higgins about this; i was planning a trip in that area in July (but it was shifted to another location at the last minute due to snow) and Allan gave me a lot of helpful advice, though i don’t know anything specific re the river.


    • #17826 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      Talked to him last night. The river is a well used route between the huts.

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