Queens Birthday – place on trip available

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    • #14427 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Hi – have you missed out on Queens Birthday trips but are keen to come along???

      If so, we have a space place available – either on my trip to Mt Watson (alpine 1 skill / MedFit fitness grade) and traverse along the Ella Range or potentially on another trip – drop me an email or phone call if you’re keen

      495 7113 (w)

    • #17893 Reply
      kerry Summers

      Hi Grant
      I’m a bit of a late commer so I don’t really expect any spaces to be left on your trip but are there…?
      I’d quite like to do the Alpine 1 seeing as I was looking into doing it anyway but I’d just love to get out there and enjoy a tramp so I’m not bothered either way. Can you let me know asap if theres space for me and possibly one other.

      Regards Kerry

    • #17894 Reply
      Grant Newton


      Sorry the available place on the WT&MC trip over Queens Birthday has been filled

      Grant Newton

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