Query – Walking Karori Stream to the coast

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    • #15940 Reply
      James Behan


      I’m hoping someone at WTMC would be able to give me some advice on walking the Karori Stream to the coast.

      I live in Karori and occasionally visit the Karori Stream with my kids at the end of South Karori Road. I’ve been considering walking this stream out to its estuary at the coast.

      I plan on going with my 7 year old and with a mate and his 7 year old kid in the next couple of weeks. I expect it will be at least 4-6 hours of walk, as it will be relatively slow going. I’m also considering tenting it near the estuary, so i’ll check out where’s good to tent near there. Tenting for the night will break up the journey somewhat. There’s a settlement near it, so I’ll probably need to find out procedures for going through that area. As you’ll see, I’ve still got a good bit of research to do. Plenty of drinking water will be crucial.

      Would you be able to advise me the following:

      1. Are there set procedures for walking along streams that go through Regional Council’s and privately owned property? I expect that I’ll need to find out who owns each property through,which the stream runs and i’ll have to request permission.

      2. Are you aware of any issues that WTMC members have had walking this stream to the coast. Potential pollution in this stream is something we’re aware of, so we won’t swim in it and of course won’t be drinking it.



    • #18943 Reply

      Hi James,

      I’ve been down Karori Stream to the coast, but not for many years.

      The best access is not actually from South Karori Road but from South Makara Road (turn off past the cemetery in Makara village and continue down to the end of the road). From the end of South Karori Road the stream goes through a bit of an enclosed section which I’ve never been down and then emerges out at the end of South Makara Road and continues down to the coast.

      There is a private four-wheel-drive road following the stream all the way from the end of South Makara Road down to the coast. It is private land and you would need to get permission. I don’t think you have a right to walk down a stream through private land unless there is a Queens Chain strip along it, and I’m fairy sure there won’t be down there. Sorry, I don’t know who the landowner(s) are these days. The City Council may be able to help. Alternatively a mountain bike group website may be able to help, because I know mountain bikers go down there. Maybe contact the Makara Peak supporters group.

      There is a sewer pipeline following the stream all the way down to the coast (unless it’s been removed since I was last down there) so don’t swim in it or drink from it.

      Where you hit the coast there are some private baches. It’s a bit bleak and not really the best spot for camping.

      To be honest I think there are better places to take a couple of 7 year olds.

      I hope this helps

      – Harry

    • #18944 Reply
      James Behan

      Hi Harry,

      That’s all very helpful, thanks. I am having second thoughts about it already given the likely length of walk for the wee lads and bleakness of tenting near the settlement.

      I’ll look into other options for that weekend, but that stream’s a walk I’ll probably do myself, with permission from land owner received first, at another time.

      I very much appreciate your help.



    • #18945 Reply
      harry wrote:
      I don’t think you have a right to walk down a stream through private land unless there is a Queens Chain strip along it, and I’m fairy sure there won’t be down there.

      I’m not an expert on interpreting legalities of this stuff with certainty, but I’ve taken a quick look at http://data.linz.govt.nz , loaded the NZ Topo50 Maps, overlaid the NZ Primary Parcels database, and clicked in a few places. There appears to be a gazetted road for the entire distance along the stream, at least south of South Makara Road. I *think* it’s along the 4WD road.

      Also, the Walking Access Mapping System at http://www.wams.org.nz/ (thanks Walking Access Commission) shows the legal road going down there.

      I’d suggest double-checking with the WCC before trusting me, but I suspect it’s more likely than not that it’s legal to walk along that 4WD road, at least the part between South Makara Road and the coast.

      Note that “legal road” does not always mean “practically navigable”.

    • #18946 Reply
      James Behan

      Once again, great advice. Thanks Mike.



    • #18947 Reply

      > I’ll look into other options for that weekend,

      Have you considered the Makara Walkway? It’s down the coast from Makara Beach. It’s a nice walk along the coast and back over a small hill. I think it would be perfect for 7 year olds. There are stunning views up the coast to Mana and Kapiti Islands and there are some old World War Two gun emplacements up on the headland that 7 year old boys will love! It is possible to camp at Fisherman’s Bay, 15 minutes around the corner from Makara Beach, or at Opau Bay at the far end of the walkway. And you can drink the water out of the streams (or at any rate, I certainly have, with no ill effects).

      Another good option would be Butterfly Creek in behind Eastbourne. It’s a nice walk up over the hill and down into a bush valley to a nice picnic / camping area beside a stream with a swimming hole. Again, I think it would be perfect for 7 year olds.

      Our tramping club has quite a large group of members with young families who run occasional family trips. Maybe you should take a look at the trip schedule and join the club!

    • #18948 Reply
      James Behan

      Hi Harry,

      Thanks again. Yes, the Makara Walkway (didn’t know the name before) is one of the options we’re looking at. It will allow for some fishing too. Great to know there are camping opportunities too – we weren’t sure of that.

      Our 7 year old has done Butterfly Creek with me a few years ago, so we’ll probably give that one a miss this time, but thanks.

      Another option we’re thinking of is to walk from Karori, up to Wrights Hill, as some of those going live down from it, past the sanctuary and head south along tracks that skirt the edge of Te Kopahou Reserve to end up at Devil’s Gate, followed by some fishing by lunch time, hopefully eat our catch and then head along the coast to Owhiro Bay for collection point – obviously not camping if we do that option, which is likely to be the case now.

      Great to know the camping options of the Makara Walkway for a future trip.

      Joining the TTC is probably what we need to get our lot doing camping, so I’ll put that on the to-do-list.



    • #18949 Reply

      Hi James,

      if you are keen to get your kids out, we have a family tramping group that you might be interested in as well.



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