Question About Gaiters

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    • #14253 Reply
      Mike Engstrom

      Hi there,
      I’ve just bought a pair of Macpac gaiters and am wondering what to use to attach them under my boots. Is there a macpac specific instep wire or a generic one available. Or is there a way to make one myself?

    • #17774 Reply

      I did try the wire type ones but didn’t like them. The wires shred and can cut you
      easily whenever you try to remove them. A single strand wire would be better if you
      have some thick wire and can bend it.

      I have decided to stick with the cord types – about 2-3mm diameter cord can be bought in many places – I even got some for free as it was the end of the reel.
      They do wear out but are cheap and easy. On a long trip a bit of cord can come in
      handy anyway. This kind of cord is easy to unknot later.

      You do need something to tie down the gaiter to stop it rotating and give the best
      fit for protection.


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