recommended tramp in Nelson Lakes?

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    • #16035 Reply

      Hi there,

      Myself and a friend are interested in tramping in Nelson lakes this coming labour day weekend and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for places to see/huts to stay?



    • #19014 Reply

      Just another point on this, we were thinking of doing Mt Angelus and I know the club has done this peak a few times. I’m not the best with heights (more sheer drops) and I just read on the DOC booklet “You must be comfortable on rough terrain and without a fear of heights”….

      can anyone advise on this?

    • #19015 Reply

      Hi Paul,

      there are heaps of good places to go at Nelson Lakes but you really need more than a three-day weekend to see the best of it. It sounds like you’re planning to go to Lake Angelus, and that’s a great spot and would be a good option for Labour Weekend. e.g. you could do a do a circuit in via Robert Ridge and out via either Hukere Stream or Speargrass Hut. Of course, the weather’s bound to be miserable at Labour Weekend, Robert Ridge could be pretty exposed, and Angelus Hut is bound to be jam-packed……

      Mt Angelus is relatively straightforward provided you’ve had some experience with an iceaxe and crampons. From Angelus Hut traverse around to the Hinapouri Tarns, cross over at the far end and basically just head up the slopes towards the summit. When you get further up it’s probably best to head onto the spur to the left. It gets a bit steep towards the top but it’s reasonably straightforward. When you get to the top you just wander along the ridge south a short distance to the highest point, which is straightforward although there are big drops off the side.

      – Harry

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