refund for club tramp

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    • #15857 Reply

      Has anyone experienced long delays in getting refunds from club tramps that they couldn’t attend?

      I’ve been waiting since the end of April for money back from a tramp that I had to miss due to illness, and I still haven’t received the credit

    • #18895 Reply


      Have you contacted Brendan about this matter? Posting something like this forum is not the corrert way to find out what is happening. Remember the Treasurer role is a volunteer and they a full time job. I know sure how it works these days for refunds on trips but it may need information from your trip leader passed on before a refund is given, have yoyu chek with them to see if has been done?

    • #18896 Reply
      Paul Christoffel

      I want to make it clear that the Paul C who posted the above message is not me (someone contacted me thinking it was).

    • #18897 Reply

      Hello. I don’t know the specifics of the situation here and it’s probably best dealt with elsewhere, but for anyone who stumbles on the thread, also see the club’s refund policy that’s visible at

      Except for when the club cancels a trip, you really need to withdraw at least 1.5 weeks before the trip, or 2.5 weeks before a south island trip, to be allowed a full refund. The Chief Guide can allow exceptions, but not usually for short term illness, so once you commit to a trip after that time you’re really taking taking that chance.

      There may be multiple reasons, but the two main ones I’m aware of are that transport arrangements can be messed up (unnecessary empty seats with nobody paying for them, or other people missing out when there’d have been space), and also that trip leaders really need to have an idea of who’s coming, with reasonable notice, to give them a chance to organise things properly without going too insane. :)

    • #18898 Reply

      Andrew the trip leader has already authorized the refund, I sent an email to the treasurer last week and have recieved no information back…

    • #18899 Reply

      since posting this I’ve been told that I’m not the only person in this situation, some members have been waiting MONTHS for refunds?

      Surely something is wrong here?

    • #18900 Reply

      Hi Paul Crozier (not Christoffel),

      Just letting you know I have finally made it to your refund, which got approval by the Chief Guide (as per the policy) on the 5/5/15, payment today on the 7/6/15. Apologies you had to wait for your refund, I was relatively busy at work and unfortunately the Treasury stuff got pushed to the side for a little bit, that is a genuine apology and it goes to all the other club members out there that have had to dip into their own hip pocket to pay for club related items and have had to wait for reimbursement.

      Today I did a number of payments, but only two trip refunds, one was yours and the other one was about a week and a half old, so can you please get the members with months old trip refunds to contact me at , as it stands I think I am up to date with refunds and payments.

      I also agree there is something wrong here, so I had a little brainstorm this afternoon while spending time on club related finances (circa 4-5hrs) and I came up with a gem, now I noticed you hadn’t lead any trips in the previous schedule and don’t seem to be signed up to lead any trips in the current schedule so I thought you probably aren’t spending a great deal of time planning for upcoming trips and sorting punters out and the like. About now you are probably thinking what is the plan, give it to me, well here it is, you become deputy treasurer, sounds awesome I know. You would be in charge of refunding punters and also reimbursing club members that have paid for something club related out of their pocket; we could turn these around in no time flat, everyone is a winner. BC and PC the dynamic duo. Now don’t fear, as the song goes it is always the Sheriff (me) that gets shot not the deputy so should be a relatively safe role.

      Anyway ball is in your court, use the email up the top to get in touch, I don’t really check this forum very often.


    • #18901 Reply

      Will said Brendan

    • #18903 Reply

      While we did have a backlog of refunds, this has been cleared. Thanks to Brendan for sorting this out.

      If you have a comment or complaint that you want followed up, the best thing to do is contact me at

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