Research Participants Needed

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    • #14374

      Dear All,

      The Sleep/Wake Research Centre at Massey University in Wellington needs participants for a study into the ‘The Effects of Napping on Performance and Alertness during a Period of Sleep Deprivation’.

      We need males aged 20 to 35 (sorry ladies!), non smokers, with low caffeine/alcohol consumption. Particpants will be required to undergo medical screening

      Participants will spend 4 weekends at the centre.
      Meals and entertainment are provided.
      Participants will be offered compensation for their time.

      You have the opportunity to participate in ‘cutting edge’ research and to learn about how sleep deprivation can affect your alertness and performance.

      For more information, please ring Karl Bridges on 04 801 2794 xt 6081 or visit the Centre website

    • #17839

      For some reason the website address is misbehaving: @!#$://

    • #17840

      Hi Ally,

      Due to the amount of spam postings we have been getting the h t t p part of the url is being automatically replaced with @!#$ in an attempt to discourage spam postings.

      I’m not so sure that the message is necessarily related to tramping – there may be some tenuous relationship to micro-naps taken during FE trips??


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