Rock climbing instruction – are you keen?

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      The club has organised two opportunities to gain/improve your rock climbing skills at Fergs on the Waterfront at a discounted rate.

      If interested, contact me at or 027 523 9772.

      Intro to Rock Climbing:
      *We already have 7 people signed up – have room for one more or I’m taking names to schedule another session in March. Please contact me ASAP.
      Tuesday 24 Feb 6-8pm
      @Fergs Kayaks Wellington
      Cost: if 4ppl is $55 per person, if 6 or more $50 per person.
      Two hours of rock climbing instruction from Fergs staff – includes essential skills for tying knots, belaying, using belay devices and climbing technique. These skills are mandatory before coming on an outdoor climbing trip with the club.

      Intro Lead Rock Climbing
      Date TBC
      *We have 5 people interested, room for 3 more and will be scheduling in March.
      @Fergs Kayaks Wellington
      Cost: if 4ppl is $100 per person, if 6 or more $90 per person.
      Two separate nights of 2.5 hours of rock climbing instruction from Fergs staff – includes essential skills for lead climbing and lead belaying.
      Prerequisite: You must have prior rock climbing experience. This means you are capable of top-roping at least a grade 16 rock climb and regularly climbing at least once a week at an indoor facility or outdoors. You must be able to belay on top rope and understand how to use a belay device. If you’re unsure, contact me or consider attending the intro to rock climbing course first.

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