Rock snot

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    • #12820 Reply
      Chris Munn

      Has anyone wondered how trampers are to disinfect and dry their boots, socks, gaitors or other equipment as they stomp from one catchment area to another in the SI over Christmas? Litres of Janola in the bottom of the pack does not seem like a very practical idea to me.

      Is there any reasonable alternative? I suspect not. The stuff is with us now and these impractical controls will only slow its spread, not halt it, as water fowl and other animals (let alone users of the high country) will not understand the need to wash themselves in janola either, as they wander from catchment to catchment

    • #16848 Reply
      Noel Thomas

      I agree there are problems with containing the r/s to the current catchments within the south Island .However if we accept that it is not currently present in the North Island rivers then ,as reponsible users of the back country, we should take every precaution to ensure it does not make its way across the strait.
      On returning from any South Island trip it is important that all members are advised of the precautions they need to take to keep the North Island rivers clean and green for as long as poss
      To accept that Didymo is with us and not change our behaviour would be irresponsible

    • #16849 Reply
      Chris Munn

      Yes I agree about the containment theory in the SI, but it seems impractical to attempt to contain it within certain areas already contaminated within the SI given the low concentrations needed to spread the damned thing.

    • #16850 Reply
      Andrew McLellan

      I’m toying with the idea of carrying some salt or dishwashing detergent to soak boots etc in, but haven’t quite worked out what to use to contain the water in when washing b/w catchments. Maybe a thick plastic bag? Or collapsable plastic bucket?

      Also wonder what bleach, salt or detergent solutions would do to leather boots. Will certainly be cleaning gear before returning home from SI.

    • #16852 Reply
      Judy Gardner

      My opinion as a forest field pathologist is that even a strong salt solution or a strong detergent will not be sufficient to kill rock snot.

      My suggestion is to talk to DoC or Biosecurity New Zealnad. Unless this is where you got the salt/detergent idea from?


      Happy tramping and good on you from being on to it.

    • #16853 Reply
      Peter Sykes

      We own the Riverview Ho0liday Park in Murchison. We are very big here on Kayaking ,Tramping and Fishing in the area. We have set up a decontamination area in the camp for people to use. We offer this service free to anyone. So if any of you are driving past and wish to use this facility you are more than welcome
      Cheers Peter Sykes

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