Rogaine success

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      Andrew McLellan

      Some success from WTMC teams in the weekend’s Tararua rogaines.

      The Tararua 24 was the NZ championship event for rogaining – 24 hours of rogaining in the Eastern Tararua foothills sandwiched between Totara Flats and Mitre Flats, with the hash house based at Holdsworth roadend. The only club member tough enough for the 24 hr event was Ian Bunckenberg who teamed up with Laurie Gallagher (ex WTMC member I think) to complete the course with a respectable score. One time WTMC member Jenny Cossey won the women’s title with Fanny Lavarie with a score putting them in the top 10 or so finishers. A fantastic result.

      A 12 hour and two 6 hour events were also run in conjunction with the 24hr championship. Eva Lottermoser and Harry Smith finished 3rd in the 12 hour event – with Harry having a heat induced “near death” experience on the last hill up above the finish line – Harry swears the whole event was not actually held in the Tarabloodyruas as the sun shone and wind was slack for two days in a row. Jo Holden and Chris Sherwood also competed in the 12 hour event but had some “timing” issues on Saturday’s leg – the less said the better on that.

      WTMC teams also made a good showing in the two 6 hour events. Saturday’s event was cleaned up by Harriette Carr (in between baby feeds) and Phil Kendon. Jo McKenzie and Andrew McLellan came first on the Sunday’s 6 hour rogaine and scored the most points for 6 hours in the weekend. Paul Abbot also competed in the Saturday 6 hour event rounding off a strong club outing.

      There’s unlikely to be a NZ championship that favours trampers as much as this year’s one, but its certainly got my appetite whetted to try next year’s 24 hr event. The scary thing is that the overall winners kept up a scoring pace over 24 hours (including night time navigation) equivalent to the fastest 6 hour teams!

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