Round yellow sticky things

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      chief guide

      You know the round yellow sticky things with blue pictures & words:

      – that trip leaders find attached to the sign up sheets
      – that we stick in the hut books when out on club trips
      – that take up loads of room in the hut books (especially if there are only 3 or 4 people on the trip)
      – that let everyone else who looks thru the hut book know that we have been there

      Well … They are a great promotional tool for the club & make it easy to spot what other clubbies have been thru the area.

      However … the Chief Guide & Assistant Chief Guide are down to the last box (although Roger Bolam confesses to having a box stashed somewhere)

      So… This is a prime opportunity to look at a new design for these round sticky things.

      If you are at all artistically inclined & you would like to come up with a design, I would like to hear from you.

      In fact if several people were interested then we could have a design competition (a bit like the Telecom White Pages cover design). The prize could be the fame of having your round sticky design featuring in hut books all around the country.


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