Ruahine Medium trip 6-10 February

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    • #14541 Reply
      Paul Christoffel

      I am leading a Medium five-day Club trip in the Ruahines from Waitangi day.

      (This trip replaces the Medium Kaikoura trip in the club schedule).

      The trip will include some nice huts (Pourangaki, Kelly Knight) and plenty of tops travel (will probably include Mangaweka Peak, the highest in the range, weather permitting).

      I’m not certain about the exact cost at this stage, but it should be about $60 with the usual discount for club members.

      There are three ways to ask questions about and/or sign up for the trip:

      e-mail me by clicking on the address line in this message, or e-mail

      phone 914 3042 (day) 934 2742 (evenings/weekends) or 021 048 2527

      Come to the club night on Wednesday 16 January. I will be there to answer questions about the trip.

      To organise transport I will need a $50 deposit by 16 January from anyone wanting to go.

      Paul Christoffel

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