Ruapehu Lodge for Christmas, New Years, early Jan

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    • #15920 Reply

      “Open Lodge” has very much turned into an annual event – so now’s the time to put it into your diary for the Christmas/New Year period.

      What’s Open Lodge you ask? It means that you can drop in and stay at WTMC’s Ruapehu Lodge, no commitment or hassle, anytime from Christmas to early January.

      Our Ruapehu lodge is just 100m from the Top of the Bruce at Whakapapa skifield and sleeps 32 in hostel-style accommodation. The bunkrooms are spacious and comfortable and there’s a great catering-style kitchen, lounge and dining room.

      Reply to this forum article, or give me a yell at to give us an indication that you’re keen. No commitment means just that, we’re looking for interest so don’t worry if you don’t make it after all!

      Mt Ruapehu is a great place to hang out in summer. Whether you’re relaxing on the deck admiring the views of the sun setting behind Mt Taranaki, heading to the summit, hitting the Tongariro Crossing, other walking and tramping, mountain biking the 48 traverse, rafting and jetboating the Tongariro River or chilling at the hot pools or the Tussock Pub. If you’ve skied or boarded Ruapehu in winter you’ll be quite stunned by how it looks in Summer, too!

      How will it work?
      Give us some notice if you can, but just turn up with cash or a chequebook and pay for the nights you want to stay. No booking, no upfront commitment, no hassles if your plans change. If you don’t have a car, give us a yell – we can probably sort out transport for you.

      You’ll get a bed and a pillow – bring a pillowcase and a sleeping bag (or sheets – there are blankets there too). There’s a short walk to the lodge up a gravelly path with steps, so you’ll find a backpack easier than Samsonite rolling luggage (but don’t let that stop you).

      Bring your own food and drinks to cook in the lodge’s full kitchen, or on the BBQ on the deck. Or, go for lunch and coffee at Knoll Ridge cafe, pizza and burgers at the pub, or fine dining at the Chateau!

      When is it for?
      Currently we’re planning on having the place open Saturday 26 December through Sunday 10 January. If you are looking for a different time then tell us and we’ll try to make it happen. There are a group of ‘Lodge Leaders’ who will open the place up, and one or two of them are just pencilled in right now; so if anything changes watch this space.

      How much will it cost me?
      We’ve kept the price at a 30% discount again this summer to give you no excuses about coming up!

      The cost will be: Members $13/night (non-members $24/night), Children 4-17 $10/night (non-members $18/night), infants 3 and under free.

      How do I find the place?
      The lodge is at Whakapapa Skifield – 100m from the car-park at the Top of the Bruce. It’s a sealed road all the way and an easy drive in summer. Here’s how to find it: .

      Hope to see you there! New Years eve in particular is looking very popular, should be a great time.

    • #18923 Reply

      Thanks everyone who emailed me back, looks like we’re getting a good crowd up there this year.

      Don’t forget, just drop into the Lodge anytime between 26 Dec and 10 Jan – no need to book, no hassle no commitment.

      New Years is looking popular. There are also a few people planning a Tongariro Alpine Crossing, weather permitting, on the 9/10 Jan weekend. Plus many folks who are going to call in on their way up or down the island.

      Hope to see you up there!

    • #18934 Reply

      Hey Mike,
      How would we get in if no-one is there, like if we arrive during the day and everyone is out hiking?

    • #18936 Reply

      The front door will be on push-button comnination lock only. Find out the combo first or call the leader (good idea for leader to leave mobile number on a notice at the door, if out).


    • #18937 Reply
      Geoff Wood

      “comBination” !!!


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