Salewa crampon bar

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      Alas, after 30 years of faithful service I recently broke the connecting bar on my vintage 12-point fully-adjustable Salewa crampons, and (surprise, surprise) it appears that the tramping shops around town no longer stock these antique parts. A knotted prussik cord actually worked surprisingly well to hold the crampons together on the day, but is not, I fear, a permanent solution to the problem. So does anybody have one of these old crampons bars lying around that they would like to get rid of, or know of anywhere that they may still be available (in the back of a dusty unopened drawer in a run-down outdoor shop in a sleepy provincial town where they still have proper teashops serving proper tea and sandwiches instead of foreign foodstuffs with names ending in “o”, for example). The item in question is a metal bar about 12 or 15 cm long and 1 cm wide with a hook at one end and notches down each side.

      Failing that, I might actually have to go out and (gasp!) buy some new crampons, and I really don’t want to do that…..

      – Harry

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