Save Happy Valley public meeting

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      Lynley Hargreaves

      ::::: Save Happy Valley Public Discussion ::::: Sponsor a Snail :::::

      1. Save Happy Valley Public Discussion

      YOU are invited to a public discussion about the campaign to save a pristine valley on the West Coast of the South Island from utter destruction at the hands of coal miner Solid Energy. WTMC member Geoff Keey is one of the speakers.

      Happy Valley is habitat of the great spotted kiwi (roa), the large carnivorous land snail Poweilliphanta patrickensis and a complex wetland ecology that includes 13 threatened species. It has been the centre of an extensive grassroots environmental campaign which is currently engaged in a land occupation that is in its seventh month.

      Come along and learn about the Valley, issues around climate change and habitat destruction, and the campaign to stop Solid Energy.

      Speakers include: Metiria Turei (Green Party) Kevin Hackwell (Forest and Bird) Geoff Keey (Greenpeace) Lynley Hargreaves and Gareth Hughes (Save Happy Valley Coalition)

      6pm, Thursday, 17th August Mezzanine Floor, Wellington Public Library

      For more information see

      2. Sponsor a Snail

      In April the Minister of Conservation gave Solid Energy permission to destroy 94% of the habitat of the Powelliphanta “Augustus” snail – dooming the entire species to extinction. But the Save Happy Valley Coalition Incorporated recently filed two court cases to save the snails. A High Court case will judicially review the Ministers’ decision, and an Environment Court case seeks an enforcement order to protect the snail habitat. However, these are expensive legal undertakings, and we need to urgently raise $8,000!

      You can help by donating and sponsoring one of the 500 remaining snails. For just $10 you’ll receive a personalised snail certificate, with your choice of snail name.

      Search for sponsor and snail on TradeMe for more details (

      Alternatively, bank $10 to Save Happy Valley (see then send an email to with your name, snail name, and postal address, and your certificate will be posted out.

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