SK: new solo supported record

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      The SK geeks amongst you will have noticed that this classic route has received lots of attention over this remarkably benign Welly summer.

      This culminated yesterday with mountain running legend Chris Swallow completing the route in 19 hours and 20 minutes. His second SK in under 24 hours, the other completed in partnership with Laurence Pidcock.

      The Feb 14 effort was particularly inspiring due to the tremendous level of support he received from the local trail running community. Several SK alumni and other runners were up in the hills to run with him at various stages, cheer him on and provide light when his torch died on the Marchant.

      In due course the story will appear on the Tararua speed records (see link below). There are some great reports detailing the action this summer, well worth a read.

      Well done Chris and the team!

      Fastest Known Times

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