Ski Mountaineering website updated.

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    • #17892 Reply
      Craig Martella

      Hello all.

      This is an open invitation to members of WTMC to participate in the 2007 Scarpa Ski Mountaineering Race series.

      This series will be a first in the history of New Zealand winter alpine sports and we would like to encourage all back country enthusiasts to come to one of our events.

      For more information please visit our website or drop Us a line at nzinfo@skimountaineering,org.

      We’ll be only to happy to answer questions through this forum.


      the SkimonZ team.

    • #14426 Reply
      Craig Martella

      Hello WT&MC members

      The details for the Peak Fuel Ruapehu Ripper Ski Mountaineering Race have been updated. Please visit and click on the link there.

      We have great prizes lined up, and it looks as if a friendly bit of inter club rivalry may be present in the North Island.

      We are looking into hosting some free, fun and informal ski mountaineering race clinics in September as a preparation, so check the website for details once the snow falls.

      Thinking snow.


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