Skyline walkway extended?

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    • #14128 Reply

      I went for a stroll on the weekend and came across some new track…

      Having not seen any marketing about this, nor any signs to say where it went or that it existed and no press releases in sight so I had to see where the new marked route went…. all the way to the road at Makara Hill – opposite Makara Peak.

      The entire route is well marked with the same orange marker poles (the ones that flex in the breeze) that are used on the rest of the Skyline Walkway.

      Has anyone seen any press regarding this? I saw a slight comment on a mountain biking forum but nothing anywhere else.

    • #17692 Reply


      Well spotted. I don’t think the track has been officially opened yet as there is still some work to do on the Southern sections to make it rider friendly. Mountain bikers have been involved in the construction and word has got around quickly about the great views and riding.

      I expect WCC will announce the track once all the signage and track work is completed. The final price in the jigsaw was some Genesis owned land – they have given permission for access.

      In the meantime enjoy the walking/riding. Exit/entry points include Makara Hill Rd, Montgomery Ave, Parkvale Ave, the Crofton Downs Substation access point (either through the horse paddocks to the south or the Skline track following pylons towards Mt Kaukau) and tracks around Mt Kaukau.

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