Southern Crossing Car Swap on Easter

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      Hi there,

      I’m planing to do the southern crossing from Otaki Forks to Kaitoki Car Park or to Waiohine on the eastern side of the Tararuas together with a friend. As the two places far away by road we need a second party walking the trek in opposite direction to swap car keys and cars during the tramp. So if anybody got a car and wants to do the tramp which is supposed to be very nice I would be really happy if you could send me a mail () or give me a call (021 139 60 79) to discuss how we’re going to make it happen. Have a look on a trek description on

      We’re planing to head of on Saturday (09.04) morning and be back on Monday (11.04) night but as long as we meet in the Tararuas during easter to swap car keys all should be sweet.

      take care benjamin

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