stewart island this summer

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    • #16026 Reply

      Hey everyone,

      I was thinking or organizing a trip down to stewart island this summer and was wondering if anyone had some good advice such as best time to go,are the northwestern and southern circuits a better choice than the great walk? and if so how long does should I schedule in for either tramp.

      Any advice would be helpful, cheers


    • #19008 Reply
      David Barnes

      I’d say give the Rakiura Track a miss unless you’re pressed for time. It’s not on a par with the other GWs. The best accessible bits of the island are the western beaches and the tops, so the NW or Southern circuits or a combo would be the go. Happy to discuss if you wanted to ring – 021 1437281.

    • #19010 Reply
      Beccy D

      Gareth and I did the NWC last summer. We had a great time, but found it busier than we had expected. I’m happy to give you our itinerary. We found it fairly easy going and you can definitely ‘double hut’ in some places if you are fit. The side trips up Rocky Mountain and Mt Anglem are a must! Also you can get a water taxi to Freshwater Hut and cut two days off that way.
      All in all, we took 10 days to do the entire thing, with both side trips and using the water taxi. However, we got ahead of schedule and stayed in one hut for two nights doing an extra day walk in-between. Our route would have definitely been possible in 9 days.
      We had great weather and the track was relatively dry. It could be more slow going if its wetter and there is more mud…
      Let me know if you want our itinerary….

    • #19011 Reply

      Yes please Becky, I think that would be most helpful! Can you email me it?

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