Subscription reminder letters and 2015 journals are on their way!

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    • #15931 Reply
      Beccy Day

      This year the subscription reminder letters are being send by hardcopy with your 2015 journal and the November FMC bulletin. They should be dropping through your letter box in the next week or so.

      The 2015 Journal is a real gem with some great stories and beautiful pictures for you to pour over during the Christmas Break. Thanks Ian for all your hard work pulling it together so well, and thanks to everyone who has contributed.

      Don’t forget to renew your membership promptly to make life easy for our Membership Officer Jo. There are lots of advantages to renewing – of course you can take advantage of discounted rates on our trips, have access to members only training courses, and get preferential rates at our lodge, but you also get FMC membership with all the discounts that provides…

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