Summer Rock 2017 – outdoor climbing course

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      Kia ora koutou
      NZAC Wellington Section is running their annual Summer Rock climbing course, from 14 February to 2nd April.
      This includes 6 week-nights of tuition, a bouldering day-trip on the weekend, and 2 full weekends away to some great North Island climbing destinations.

      NZAC start advertising this week (hopefully), so check out their website – it’s already filling up fast, and is only run once a year!!
      This year I am administering the course, so email me too if you need any more information ( hdwfisher[at] ).

      This course is great for :

      Going from ‘zero-to-hero’ in rock climbing :
      Starting with essential knots and finishing on being able to single-pitch lead-climb (sport) outdoors with a similarly skilled buddy, totally unassisted!

      Taking the leap from indoors to outdoors :
      Great for giving indoor climbers the confidence and know-how for climbing safely outside, including building anchors, cleaning and abseiling.

      Cleaning yourself up and dispelling myths :
      If you’ve taken the common route and learnt to climb from buddies here and there, this course can consolidate your knowledge, clean up your bad habits right from the basics (and explain why they’re bad habits) and show you some techniques that will keep you and others safe.
      The course doesn’t include multi-pitch or trad-climbing, but sets you up very well to get into that if you’re keen.

      Working towards Alp2 trips :
      Outdoor rock climbing skills combined with a snow-craft course are your building blocks to progress to Alp2 trips, as well as longer alpine traverse type adventures. Being able to point to the skills and attitudes towards safety you have should not be under-estimated for Alp2 trips, rather than your level of fitness or culinary skills!
      With these skills and a bunch of experience, you’ll be skipping along in the mountains, very goat-like!!

      Meeting like-minded climbing chums :
      There are so many different styles of climbing, and different levels of confidence. It can be a challenge to suddenly find yourself on a cliff with someone who has a very different style to you … and perhaps expectations around safety. Summer Rock can put you in contact with a group of people who you can expect will climb with the same understanding as you, and will also give them confidence in your skills!!

      If you’re not sure climbing is for you, Summer Rock is a very affordable way to give it a real go in a supportive environment, and is great fun whether you take it further or not – GO FOR IT!!


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