Summer Trip schedule – leaders wanted

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    • #15642 Reply
      Mike – Chief Guide

      The good weather is coming (well maybe, best stop discussing this now as I am English and this brackets could go on for ever.) Therefore it is a great time to get out in the hills.

      We are still looking for trip leaders for our summer schedule. If you are new to trip leading do not worry as we have a great website list of things to do. You even get support from myself and Debbie through the process.

      The draft schedule can be found here:

      If there is a trip you would like to lead simply put your name next to it and use the font to paint it blue (optional)



    • #18771 Reply

      Big thanks to those who has made the commitment to lead a trip for the summer schedule.

      We need more people to follow your lead.

      Please spread the word.
      – encourage people you know who may be able to step up and try trip leading;
      – remind old hands how rewarding trip leading is.

      Already signed up to lead one trip? Why not lead another one, think economies of scale the more you lead the easier it gets.

      Worried you don’t know enough about the road ends/trip routes specified in the draft schedule? Don’t be Mike P and his team of helpers provide support and advice on routes and trip leading tips.

      Worried you’ll have to do everything? Don’t be. Trip leaders are responsible for overseeing the trip plan and ensuring the trip runs smoothly but get to delegate all the jobs they would rather avoid such as the cooking, the washing up, writing the trip report, driving the van etc

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