Summer Trip schedule – trips need leaders!

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    • #14520 Reply

      There are still plenty of trips on the forthcoming trip schedule that need a leader, if you are interested scroll back through the forum till you find Geoff Keey’s name and click on the link, there is an edit button at the bottom left hand corner of the document.

      If you are unsure about what it takes to be a trip leader get in touch with Geoff or Paul Jeffries, or I can help you out. There is also plenty of knowledge within the club of routes, track times etc so dont feel you have to have done the trip you want to lead previously. Furthermore, if you would like to lead a particular trip that doesnt currently feature on the draft schedule still get in touch, there may be some flexibility around routes, or your trip could feature on the next schedule.

      Finally, Geoff and the crew can always make good use of people who are willing to help out. If that sounds like you then dont be shy!

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