Survive Aotearoa

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    • #15619 Reply
      Malcolm M


      There is a new TV show on Maori TV about survival in the NZ bush/outdoors. Its on tonight at 7.30, check it out if your not up to anything else.

    • #18754 Reply

      I may regret revealing this, but this week’s episode is in the Tararuas, and features me – just in a supporting role of course.

      Not seen it yet, so no idea how interesting/accurate/cringe worthy it’s going to be…

    • #18755 Reply

      Well I thought you came across well enough. :)

      If anyone’s keen to see the episode, it’s repeated on Maori TV tonight at 10.30, and it’s also available online at

    • #18756 Reply

      Alistair was definitely the best part of the programme!

      The ‘survivors” attempts at getting lost 30 mins from Otaki Forks (often visible in the background, as was the track occasionally) was less convincing…

    • #18757 Reply

      > The ‘survivors” attempts at getting lost 30 mins from Otaki Forks (often visible in the background,
      > as was the track occasionally) was less convincing…

      Heh. I can’t say that bothers me so much, as they were never really trying to hide that they were mocking up a scenario. Hopefully nobody believed that Barrie had actually snapped his ankle from the way they play-acted it. :) First Crossings has been much worse in that respect, with Kevin and Jamie almost never acknowledging that they’re not in a genuine situation.

      I wasn’t impressed by the blatant disregard for the law by chopping living & growing trees. DoC would probably turn a blind eye for someone needing to survive, but if they were going to do it on-screen (and they shouldn’t have needed to), they really should be making it clear that it’s illegal.

      They also tend to skip over the basic SAR advice about thing like staying where you are and waiting for rescue. Granted the show’s not really about that so much as ‘what you could do if simply waiting for rescue isn’t an option’, but it’s hardly unrelated. They’re completely passing it over.

      Other than that I’m finding much of the material quite interesting.

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