Tell the gear custodian if repairs are needed when returning club gear

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    • #15854 Reply
      Marie Smith

      This weekend our trip used two large club flies. One was in pristine condition, with all its many guy ropes attached. The other, not so good. A pathetic couple of threads were dangling, and many loops that should have had sturdy guy ropes attached had bugger all. Fortunately it was a still, dry night in the Tarauras – probably the only one we’ll have this year – otherwise some people would have had an unpleasant night. Please let the gear custodian know if any club gear is munted. It’ll save any nasty surprises.

    • #18902 Reply
      Pete Silverwood

      Thanks for the post, Marie.
      Also thanks for letting me know when you returned the fly.
      That fly was missing
      5 x side ties
      the main ridge rope.

      Just how that can sensibly come about beats me.

      Message to All
      If you know that equipment is being returned in condition that is not 100% please do not try and conceal the issue.
      This is a safety issue.
      Just let me know so that I can put it right before re-issuing the gear to the next group.
      Just let me know!
      Pete S
      Gear Custodian

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