The Friends of the Wellington Botanic Garden Winter Seminar Series

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      The Friends of the Wellington Botanic Garden
      Winter Seminar Series
      The Treehouse, Wellington Botanic Garden
      Marking the Registration of the Wellington Botanic Garden by the New
      Zealand Historic Places Trust

      Seminar One 12 June 2005 9.30am – 4.30pm

      Wellington’s Native Bush: ‘Forward from the Brink’. Illustrated
      Talks from Settlement to Today’.


      Marian Minson (Alexander Turnbull Library), ‘The Pictorial Record of
      Wellington’s Bush at the Time of Settlement’.

      Walter Cook (Alexander Turnbull Library) and Winsome Shepherd, ‘The
      Historical Photographic and Written Record’.

      Dr. Maggy Wassilieff, ‘Studies of the Wellington Town Belt’.

      Dr. Geoff Park, ‘ Wellington’s Bush Remnants Today’.

      Barbara Mitcalfe and Chris Horne, ‘John Buchanan’s Paper of 1875 and
      the 2003 Survey of the Wellington Botanic Garden Bush Remnants’.

      Mike Oates (Manager, Wellington City Council Open Spaces) and David
      Sole Manager, Wellington Botanic Garden and Otari/Wilton Bush), ‘Managing
      the Wellington Botanic Garden Bush Remnant Today’.

      Panel discussion and questions from the floor with Dr. Maggy
      Wassilieff Chair), Dr. Geoff Park, David Sole, Dr. John Dawson, Mike Oates,
      Barbara Mitcalf, Chris Horne and Walter Cook’.

      Seminar Two 10 July 2005 9.30am – 4.30pm

      ?Your House – Our Trees’: the Importance of the Exotic Conifers in
      the Wellington Botanic Garden’.

      Winsome Shepherd and Walter Cook (Alexander Turnbull Library),
      ‘Conifer Introductions to New Zealand in the 19th Century, and the Role Played
      by Wellington Botanic Garden and Early Scientific Institutions’.

      Kerryn Pollock, ‘The Wellington Botanic Garden and the Creation of
      Environmental Change in Colonial New Zealand: the Conifers’.

      Keynote Speaker Dr. Jenny Aitkin (Forest Research Institute,
      Rotorua), ‘Genetic Studies in Conifers and the Importance of the Wellington
      Botanic Garden: DNA Analysis and its Implications’.

      David Sole (Manager, Wellington Botanic Garden and Otari/Wilton
      Bush), ‘Where to From Here? Managing the Conifers at the Wellington Botanic

      Panel discussion and questions from the floor with Mike Oates
      (Chair), Dr. Jenny Aitkin, David Sole, Winsome Shepherd, Kerryn Pollock and Walter

      Cost for each seminar: $28 per person. $20 for students. Includes
      refreshments and lunch.

      Registration for each of these seminars is essential. The last day
      To register for seminar one is 27 May 2005. The last day to register
      For seminar two is 30 May 2005.

      To register and/or for further information please telephone the
      Treehouse on 499 1400 or email .

      Kerryn Pollock

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