The Lodge

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    • #15817 Reply

      Just to let you know the lodge will be opened for Easter and the first week of the school holidays. It is going to be run as the same a when we opened up at Christmas time. Turn up and pay for the night (summer rates) and it is self catering. If there is a group it may pay to book on line. If there is enough wants the food catered it can be arranged but I need plenty of notice to arrange it. Need a group of 10 or more people to do this and it will be $25.00 a day. Let me know about the food directly as I arrange it for the food for the lodge.

      Thanks Andrew

    • #18881 Reply

      Don’t forget you can just drop in at our Ruapehu Lodge this Easter, right through the first week of the school hols to the following weekend (11/12 April).

      No booking, no hassle, just pay for the nights you stay. Great for a short break in Tongariro National Park with everything it offers, or getting your carload rested and happy to break your road trip. See you up there!

    • #18882 Reply
      Brian Goodwin

      To clarify the lodge situation: During easter weekend the following week and weekend the lodge will be OPEN to all on a come as you please basis. Andrew Trembath will be opening the lodge on the Thursday night prior to easter and closing the lodge Sunday of the following weekend. Andrew will not be at the lodge during the week period between the two weekends but Barry Noyce will be in Cerac lodge (the one you pass on the way to our lodge) and will be available to let you in.
      So you can just arrive and pay on the spot or pre book through our booking system.

      So that is:
      OPEN LODGE Thursday 2nd April (evening) to Sunday 12th April. Bring your own food, pillow case and good fun! Happy Easter!

      Brian Goodwin
      Lodge Convenor

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