Totara Flats – from Holdsworth or Wahoine Gorge?

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    • #14536 Reply

      For those of you who have either tramped from one end to the other on this route or have gone into Totara flats from both ends: How do the two halves compare, distance, difficulty etc? From Walls Whare into Totara Flats and then separately from Holdsworth Lodge into Totara Flats. I’ve only ever gone in from one end, Walls Whare and wonder what the other route is like comparatively? Thanks

    • #17977 Reply

      Hi Jill,

      From the Holdsworth Road end it is a fairly gentle climb on a well-benched track as far as the turn-off to Powell and Mountain House. From there the track goes down hill towards Totara Creek. This part of the track is fairly standard Tararua stuff, but nothing overly difficult. The track then follows the creek all the way to Totara Flats Hut. I don’t have any preferences as to either route i.e. Holdsworth v Wall’s Ware. The differences are that from Holdsworth, you are in bush all the way and there is a bit of a ‘bump’ on the way. From memory I think that that both routes take about the same time. I would rate both as easy grade.


    • #17979 Reply
      Paul Christoffel

      From memory, the track from Holdsworth Road end is much rougher that from Waiohine George, and involves a lot more climbing. The track from Waiohine is very flat and in good condition apart from mud near the start.

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