Tour Aotearoa – final thought

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      Hello all
      Just a further point I meant to say at last night’s talk on cycle-touring, pushing your personal limits and epic adventures :

      I think understanding yourself is really important when you’re at the edge of what you think you’re capable of, and it makes it heaps more fun.

      Tramping with the WTMC has helped me to understand how to look after myself and be a bit more prepared. These days I can feel when I’m getting close to being too cold, too tired or too hungry, know what to do about it, and I can read the weather and my surroundings better too. A lot of this is thanks to the people I have met through the WTMC and the many trips I have been on – I’ve learnt something new every time.

      And for people new to the club or who have been ‘absent’ for a while, the new trip schedule is out so start signing up!!


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