Tragedy Col

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    • #12878 Reply


      I am looking for information about crossing Tragedy Col and walking south along the Dobson River in the Ohau Conservation Park. I am thinking about walking up the Hopkins River, crossing Tragedy Col and walk down the Dobson River.

      If anyone has done this walk I am wondering if it can be done by inexperienced trampers?

      What the conditions are like in mid to late December?

      When is the most reliable time of year to attempt the walk?

      How long the Col takes?

      And how dangerous the Col and the Dobson Rivers are?

      Also, if it is too dangerous can anyone recommend a 3-5 day walk in the surrounding area?

      Thanks everyone and sorry to ask so many questions.


    • #16878 Reply
      Richard Davies

      Hi Andrew, I wouldn’t recommend it at all for inexperienced trampers – it wasn’t named on a romantic whim. If you are going to do it, go up from the Dobson side, as this is the steepest, also consult either the Barron Saddle – Mt Brewster climbing guide or the Moirs Guide North, both NZAC publications, as the route is intricate.

      There are far nicer and easier things to do in that area, but if your party is inexperienced any of the passes could be difficult. The Temple and Huxley valleys are really nice, and lots of people rate the Ahuriri. You could easily eat up four days poking around in the valley floors. All the passes are untracked, high crossings (1800m +) so if you have done that sort of thing before then my pick would be to grab the aforementioned guidebooks and have a look.

    • #16879 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Moirs Guide book (north) is the definitive guide book ….. I think the latest edition (2005 or 06) may have a new name.

      A good route would be to Sth Temple hut (2hrs) / Sth Huxley (11hrs) / North Huxley (6hrs) / day trip to Broderick pass (7hrs) / back down the Huxley and out down the Hopkins (1-2 days) – total of 5-6 days.

      I did something similar though crossed Broderick Pass to the Landborough and returned via Elcho Pass (a bit gnarly in a couple of places!). Getting from Sth Temple to Sth Huxley is the only tricky bit of the above route – the first 20 metres down into the Sth Huxley is a bit of a scramble, there after you need to sidle west for quite a while or you’ll get caught in scrub. Doing the trip in reverse would be easier.

    • #16885 Reply
      Geoff Keey


      I’d agree with the above comments. Tragedy Col is a serious proposition, even for experienced trampers. It should be seen as more of a mountaineering pass than a tramping pass. The route on the Dobson side is complex and dangerous.

      Most passes in the Ohau region are serious undertakings and many require basic mountaineering skills. I’d suggest doing valley trips with side trips.

      1) Ahuriri: Canyon Creek (1-2 days); camp at the head of the Valley and scramble up the peak above the Sth Temple/Ahuriri/South Huxley crossing point (obvious on map) (3 days)

      2) Huxley Valley exploration: Nth Branch of the Huxley and day trip to Broderick Pass, South Branch of Huxley to head of valley (very spectacular, a scree pass north of Mt Huxley may be a viable day trip) and return.

      3) Head of the Hopkins (2 days each way) with a day trip up the western slopes of Tragedy Col (easy if no snow, avalanche prone if snow covered). A day trip to cullers Biv allowing experienced trampers to scramble up the easiest line on Dasler Pinnacles would be a highlight.

      The area is best visited after the peak of the spring/summer melt (varies from year to year). Rivers lowest in Autumn but prone to flood with any norwester. Significant avalanche risk may occur in the upper valleys into late December, depending on the season and avalanche tracks into the valleys may be active into mid spring (so watch where you camp).

      That said, its a beautiful area and well worth a visit. The valleys are easy travel and well tracked. The forest is appealing and the mountains are beautiful.

      Hope that helps.


    • #16889 Reply
      geoff gale

      Hey there,

      I crossed at tragedy a few weeks ago during my ‘tranz alps tramp’. Happy to tell you more if you still need details. E-mail me: .

    • #16890 Reply
      geoff gale

      Hey there,

      I crossed at tragedy a few weeks ago during my ‘tranz alps tramp’. Happy to tell you more if you still need details. E-mail me: .

      Don’t think the answers you’ve received have come from people that have themselves actually crossed it. I have. If you want more specific info that includes grid references and how much rope to carry….etc?? True, there is a RISK crossing here, but if you’re sensible?


    • #16892 Reply

      Thanks guys.

      We will look into the other options mentioned.

      All advice is much appreciated.



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