Tramping musicians wanted

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    • #15864 Reply
      Franny B

      Dear tramping musicians,

      I have a half-baked plan for next summer, and it involves you, me, some folk music, a road trip and a lot of great tramping.

      Maybe it involves a ceilidh band, maybe a country-blues outfit, or even a classical string quartet.

      I am a violist, and you might be a guitarist, banjo player, bassist, drummer or something equally fun.

      Get in touch if you think this sounds up your street. Surely this is what the backcountry has been waiting for?


    • #18906 Reply

      Wow – That sounds exciting! I don’t have a musical bone in my body, but I do enjoy music and after 8 years in Scotland I enjoy a ceilidh band or a bit of country/folk. I can’t contribute any musical talent, but maybe there is some way I could be involved? Can I be a support tramper?

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