Tree Planting on ManaIsland

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    • #12861 Reply
      Lynda Bushe

      Hi Everyone

      Further to Brian Paget’s talk on Mana Island, don’t forget to look at the website for information.

      Kelvin Hunt is the coordinator for Tree Planting on Mana Island and he has mentioned they are having a Weeding Day Trip on April 8th which they are currently looking for voluteers to remove Tree Lucern Seedlings. Contact him at for details.

      Also their 2006 planting proramme commences the weekend of 2728th May and finishes the weekend of 56 August (not Queen’s birthday). You take a boat over to Mana Island and plant trees for 3-4 hours, then have a sausage sizzle before you come back. You also get the chance to explore the island before you return.

      There is a nominal fee of $15 for the boat trip over there and they have a gear list they recommend warm clothes etc.

      I have handouts from Kelvin if anyone is interested or you can email him to arrange dates.


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