Trip leaders required for spring

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    • #12955 Reply
      Chief Guide

      We are still seeking leaders for quite a few trips in the spring schedule.

      In particular, if any members that would like to be out on trips on the weekends of September 22-24, September 29-October 1 or October 6-8 then you should contact me as soon as possible.

      These weekends are planned for:
      22-24 September – Ruahines (Rangiwahia)
      29 September – 1 October – the Inland Kaikouras (3 days) & Richmonds (2 days)
      October 6-8 – Tararuas (Kaitoke).

      Of course there are plenty of other opportunties for leading trips from September to December. If you can lead a trip and I haven’t spoken to you then please ring or e-mail me.


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