Trip Planning night

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    • #15627 Reply
      Mike – Chief Guide


      Trip planning night is scheduled for the 6th November 2013. Before then it would be great for members of the club to submit ideas for trips.

      Ideas can come in many forms such as, areas to be visited, specific tracks to be walked or road ends to be visited.

      Please either e mail the chief guide through these web pages or come up and see me at club nights.



    • #18758 Reply
      Peter Silverwood

      Hi Mike
      This email is triggered by our conversation at the club this evening.

      3 separate day trips to take in the three most southern sections of the “wellington part” of Te Araroa walkway.

      Trip Details
      Trip 1 – City to Sea
      Island Bay to Cable Car

      Trip 2 – Ngaio
      Cable car to Kaukau

      Trip 3 – Colonial Knob
      Kaukau to Porirua

      These could be scheduled at 2 or 3 week intervals.

      I would do my best to be available to lead these three trips.



    • #18759 Reply
      Margaret Craigie

      I’d like to be a punter on another navigational trip, please. Anywhere is fine, including the Tararua ranges.

    • #18760 Reply

      Hi Peter.

      This might be a non-issue but check up on trip three closer to the time as it could be problematic. Spicer Forest, below Colonial Knob on the Kaukau side, is still labelled as ‘closed’ by the council, thanks to the storm damage. Most of the forest is already closed by arrangement medium-term thanks to the wind-farm construction activity, but the Te Araroa route through the middle (which was originally left open) has also been very wasted, and consequently council-closed, since the storm several months ago. It’s worse than much of the other damage around the town belt, I think, particularly because there’s not really a network of alternative tracks and routes in the area which could otherwise be used to circumnavigate significant storm damage. (This might change once the two councils finally open up the forest into a proper park, post-wind-farm-construction.)

      A few weeks back it was still possible to get through unofficially. A helpful person has even taped a route through the tree-fall, but near the lower valley part, at least, it involves a substantial amount of scraping and scrambling along fallen trees, sometimes about 1-1.5 metres above ground, at a guess. There’s also 6+ km of long, straight, flat road walking between Rifle Range Road below Kaukau, and along Ohariu Valley Road towards Spicer Forest, often without much margin on the edge of the road to avoid traffic around blind corners. Sadly not Te Araroa’s greatest stretch, imho.

      (From a different Mike)

    • #18761 Reply
      Mike – Chief Guide

      Pete et al

      thanks for the ideas please keep them rolling in.


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