Trips: September 1-3

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    • #12962 Reply
      Chief Guide

      The Spring Trip Schedule will be making an appearance very shortly.

      Meanwhile, the first weekend in September has overnight trips in Taranaki and a selection of day trips around Wellington.

      1-3 September Taranaki (North Egmont):
      Tramp M Pouakai Circuit led by Sarah Cartmell
      Alpine 2 MF Ice Climbing led by David Jewell
      Cycle M Around Taranaki led by Craig McGregor
      2 or 3 September – Wellington Day Trips
      Daywalk E Colonial Knob led by Barbara Keenan
      Daywalk M Lowry Bay/Gollans led by Amanda Wells
      Kayak 1 EM Chocolate Fish led by Ali Hawke

      We would also like to offer to an Alpine 1 Fit to the Summit of Mt Taranaki but we still require a leader. If you would like to lead this trip then please e-mail me.

      The trip sheets for these trips are already on the boards and you will need to signup by Wednesday 23 August.

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