Tutuwai Bridge Closed

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      news from DoC..

      Wairarapa Area Office
      Number 35/05W

      Issued: 24 March 2005
      Valid until: Until further notice
      Important notice to visitors

      Tararua Forest Park
      Tutuwai Bridge Closed

      The Tutuwai Bridge (GR S26 043183) over the Tauherenikau River below Tutuwai Hut is closed due to recent flood damage.

      Travelling up or down the Tauherenikau Valley will require a river crossing which should be attempted by experienced parties only.

      Do not attempt to cross the Tauherenikau River in flood conditions.

      Planning to deal with this problem is underway. No date for reopening the bridge has been set.

      For your safety, every effort has been made to ensure this information is correct. However, you should always seek more information before you begin your trip and be prepared to change your trip according to conditions.

      For an update or further information contact: Hera Smith, Programme Manager Visitor/Historic Assets, Wairarapa Area Office Ph: (06) 377 0700 Fax: (06) 377 2976

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