Upcoming Wednesday Presentations

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    • #15669 Reply

      Happy New Year Everyone!

      Do I have an offer for you! I can give you, free of charge, 20 – 40 minutes of undivided attention while you hold hundreds, well, okay 30-odd in reality, of folk in your magic as you astound, astonish, amuse us on your incredible, inspiring, imaginative trips over hill, dale, mountain, stream, lake and sky (is this too overboard?).

      You can have your name in lights (ok, black and white colour on our website) and you don’t have to do a song and dance to go with it, although if you want to do that as well….

      I have dates galore that you could fill with entertainment, energy and enthusiasm!

      You can put music to your photos if you prefer not to speak
      You can put photos to your music if you prefer

      The lines are open, ready and waiting for your email! And hurry, so you don’t miss this amazing opportunity!!

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