Upcoming Wednesday Presentations

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    • #15789 Reply
      Sue W

      Hi folks,

      Happy 2015!

      I’m pleased to tell you we have some great presentations coming up so mark these in your diary.

      Starting on Jan 21st Emily will take us on her local adventure bagging mini huts;
      4 Feb, this is about to be confirmed so watch this spot; and
      11 Feb is our intro night for new members.

      Feb 18th Kevin will be telling us about his trip last year to the Dolomites;
      and on the 25th Brendan takes centre stage when he takes us on recent trip to Cupola.

      As always, I’m on the lookout for presenters so do email me at if you have an idea, would like to dob someone in or do a presentation yourself.

      See you down in the club rooms


    • #18856 Reply
      Sue W

      Hi folks,

      Further to my post of yesterday, I’m pleased to confirm that on February 4th we have Shaun Barnett and Chris Maclean coming to talk about their recently released book “Tramping: A New Zealand History”. Shaun and Chris will also have copies of the book available for purchase at a discounted price at the end of the evening.

      And who spotted my mistake in reducing the number of weeks in January?
      Sharron C is our speaker for Jan 28th. Sharron will be talking about trail running at Milford and around Ruapehu.

      See you in the club rooms


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