Use of PLBs

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    • #15778 Reply
      Wayne Stevens

      Hi all

      There have been some cases around NZ of PLBs being used in questionable circumstances. While people may get tired in the hills at times or even temporarily misplaced its important to remember that activating a PLB can put rescuers at risk (particularly with night flying helicopters)

      There is some official guidance on when beacons should be used it is outlined below (along with a link to a website with some scenarios)

      Hope this helps
      Wayne Stevens
      WN SAR advisor

      ]When should I use a distress beacon?

      Distress beacons should only be used when there is a threat of grave an imminent danger. In the event of an emergency, communication should first be attempted with others using radios and other signalling devices.

      Mobile phones can also be used, but should not be relied on as an emergency communication device as they may be out of range, have limited battery life, or not be suited to the environment.

      A distress beacon is an emergency device to be used when assistance is required to ensure the safety of lives e.g. any life threatening situation or when a serious injury has occurred – it is not a taxi service!

      Situations can deteriorate rapidly, however, if you are unsure about when to activate the beacon, it is better to activate it and get help – don’t wait until it’s too late!

      When considering activating your beacon please remember that carrying out a rescue can be extremely dangerous not just for the casualty but for the rescuers as well, particularly if the rescue is carried out at night or in poor weather conditions. If your situation is not life threatening and you are in a safe and secure position it may be prudent to delay activation of the beacon until daylight or the weather conditions improve.

      For further guidance around correct beacon use, please read the beacon activation scenarios provided

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