Vehicle Familiarisation Session 29th June (6-7pm)

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    • #15999 Reply
      kevin cole

      For the benefit of those people who are registered van drivers and who would like to know a bit more about the in’s and outs of
      vehicle usage, maintenance and driving.

      We will be running a familiarisation session on Weds 29th June, before club.

      Final confirmation and details to be supplied (But meeting at the clubrooms at 6pm)

      If you would like to attend then pls email the Assistant Chief Guide (via About WTMC – Contact Us)

      NB: If you are not a registered van driver then now is a good time to get yourself on the list.

      The club owns two vans which are used to transport people to and from their trips.

      Without drivers for these vans, trips can’t run.

      If you…

      have a drivers licence
      are comfortable driving a medium sized van and
      would like to help out the club by driving these vans on trips

      Then please get yourself registered.

      Forms and details can be found and downloaded from the website under “Trips & Training” – “Van Keys and Transport”:

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