Volunteers needed for Tararua Mountain Race 10/11 March

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      Andrew Chisholm

      Lyndsay Fletcher’s again running the annual Tararua Mountain Race that runs the length of the Southern Crossing in a day. The race is on Sat 10th March (or Sun 11th if weather too bad on Sat).

      We’re seeking club members to act as helpers for the race – either helping with the start and/or finish lines & logistics, or as marshals at Kime or Alpha huts.

      If you’re fit & experienced enough to head up to Kime Hut from Otaki forks or to Alpha Hut from Kaitoke (on Friday night), then being a marshal could be a lot of fun. Volunteer marshals join a few of us from the local Search and Rescue crew. We head up on Fri night & set up on Sat to record the runners as they pass through & look after them with hot drinks. We walk out after the last runner. If the weather’s no good on Sat then the race will be delayed until Sunday.

      If you could be interested in helping at the start or finish lines, or heading up to Kime or Alpha as a marshal, please get in contact with me:


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