Volunteers needed for Tararua Mountain Race – Start & Finish

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      Lyndsay Fletcher

      For those that dont know me I am a club member and I am the organiser of the Tararua Mountain Race http://www.tararua-race.org.nz.

      I am looking for willing volunteers to help me organise the event. Would you be wiling to join us?

      Please visit the web site for more information on the event.

      I need help for, all of or part there of, the following:

      All day Friday March 7 2008; 8:30 AM till whenever – be a passenger in my van to help load and unload equipment and gear. We pick up marquees and equipment from HireMaster in Webb Street. We then drive to Otaki Forks (finish area). Put up one marquee and signs. We then drive to Kaitoke and put up signs. We then put up other marquee. We then move to Kaitoke camp. Prepare race packs etc for the morning.

      Friday evening March 7 2008; straight after work till late evening – Put up a marquee at DOC road end. We then move to Kaitoke camp and prepare race packs etc for the morning.

      Early Saturday morning March 8 2008; 6:00 AM till 10:00 AM – Check in participants and provide gear check for each participant. De-camp for travel to Otaki Forks.

      Saturday March 8 2008 11:00 AM till 6:00 PM – Completly set up finish area. Perform numerous tasks during the afternoon. Help with entering participant times into a laptop. Help with prize giving. De-camp whole finish area.

      All day Saturday March 8 2008; 6:00 AM till 6:00 PM – Check in participants and provide gear check for each participant. De-camp and travel to Otaki Forks. Possibly drive a participants vehicle to Otaki Forks. Completely set up finish area. Perform numerous tasks during the afternoon. Help with entering participant times into a laptop. Help with prize giving. De-camp whole finish area.

      NB. The race can be postponed due to storm conditions on the tops of the Southern Crossing. This is decided 6:30 AM Saturday. If this happens then the times for Sunday are the same as for the Saturday.

      If you are able to help, then you will receive, a event cap, a Wilderness Magazine (including a subsidised subscription form), a MSC survival bag and lunch on race day. Friday night’s meal is provided and accommodation (cabin) is provided at the camp in Kaitoke. Plus petrol vouchers too if you need to transport yourself to Kaitoke and or Otaki Forks. I already have other volunteers confirmed who could provide transport to help save extra vehicles.

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