Waitangi Weekend trips

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    • #12833 Reply
      sharron came

      Just a reminder that if you are thinking of signing up for a Waitangi weekend trip, the club is heading South to tramp in the Richmond Range and kayak in the Marlborough Sounds so you need to come along and sign up next Wed Jan 19 so we can arrange transport etc. The available trips are:

      Feb 3-6
      Tramp EM Mt Richmond Mike Lightbourne
      Tramp M Red Hills/Purple Tops John Hoffeins
      Tramp MF Red Hills circuit Garry de Rose
      Kayak 2 M Croisilles Harbour Ally Clark

    • #16858 Reply
      sharron came

      Wed Jan 18 not 19 (which is Thursday and you’ll be locked out if you turn up)

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