Walls Whare swing bridge

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    • #14333 Reply

      Howdy all – Message from Doc Wairarapa re Walls Whare:

      ? The Walls Whare swingbridge (Topo Map S26 E2710878 N6020717) will have the side mesh renewed between Monday, 9th October and Friday, 13th October 2006.
      ? This could see the bridge unusable during this period – parties may have to use alternative access points.

    • #17829 Reply

      Changes due to cruddy wx:

      ? The Walls Whare swingbridge (Topo Map S26 E2710878 N6020717) will have the side mesh renewed between Monday, 16th October and Friday, 20th October 2006.
      ? This could see the bridge unusable during this period – parties may have to use alternative access points

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