What backpack do we need?

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    • #14535 Reply


      We’ve been living for about 1 year in NZ – Wellington and thought it was about time to do some tramping. Of course we would start of with some of the guided trips, but even before doing one of those we really need to get us the right gear.

      So on top of our list is a backpack.
      What brand/shop would be a good one to start looking? Wellington has quit a few shops, so we got a little lost at the end.
      What is considered to be ‘important’ for a backpack?

      Second are the tramping shoes. We need only one pair, since we already have some meindels which are in good shape.
      Again, what is important and what brand or shop would be a good one?

      Clothes: is it important to buy all those lightweight nifty stuff?

      We would not go for alpine tramping, the sounds sounds interesting, using huts, but since we are newbies yet kinda fit, we would start with in between tracks.

      Sarah en Dirk

    • #17974 Reply
      marie henderson


      the club has 2-3 good packs in a couple of people sizes, but you need to check if non-members can borrow them. I would recommend this – if you decide you don’t like overnight tramping then no wasted money on a pack, plus if you then decide you want a pack, you will know a little more when you go into the store from your own experience (what works for you can differ person to person).

      They may only hire them for club trips (non-members are welcome on trips), but I would also recommend signing up for a few overnight club trips – it is a great way to get into the NZ tramping scene. Check out the new schedule and the club night entertainment page.

      The pair of boots would be good to have anyway for day-tramps. I’d get out there on day trips now to get some tramping fitness for overnight trips first and to wear in any new boots you get too. Boots are even more personal – what fits your foot may not fit someone elses. The shop assistant should size the boot for you and can offer advice on the style for the tramping you see yourself doing, but you may still end up with something that isn’t ‘right’ for you foot shape – that is one thing you just have to sort out over time.

      As to all the nifty clothes, you will need some good basics as the weather can turn nasty. It is also better to get an idea about this on club trips with experienced trampers – you learn a lot by just watching what every one else does! Check out the ‘suggested weekend gear list’ under the trips link from the home page to get an idea of what goes into your pack for a weekend trip. Longer trips basically mean more food.

      If you do come along to a club night, then just ask to talk to someone about gear and/or trips at the door and the door person will put you on to someone who can help. The new member’s night is on the 30th January, that would be good night to catch to help you on your way into the hills.


    • #17975 Reply

      Thanks for the information. We’ll pass by on one of those club nights…

    • #17978 Reply
      Paul Christoffel

      Hi there

      Regarding clothes for tramping, the main rule is don’t wear cotton. It takes ages to dry and is cold when wet, meaning risk of exposure. Any other fabrics available in tramping shops should be fine. Merino wool gear has the advantage that you can wear it for days without it smelling, as long as you air it every now and then. Although it’s expensive, it can be used for travel and street wear so it doesn’t matter if you decide you don’t like tramping.

      Hope that helps.


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