Wilderness Magazine seeking trip reports

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    • #15804 Reply
      Megan Sety

      Wilderness Magazine is regularly seeking trip reports and in particular North Island trips and will pay for accepted stories. Feel free to ask if you have questions, or see the guidelines for submitting reports below.

      Wild Trip guidelines

      * Stories should be between 500 words and 750 words in length.
      * Story style for Wild Trips is less about the narrative and more about the description – tell the story of the trip, the route, best bits, hard bits etc, but add some colour to this by telling our readers about your particular experience of the track.
      * Mention interesting facts about the area: local history etc. Must also mention why readers should give the track, a go.
      * Always write in the past tense.
      * The story must be sufficiently descriptive for our map maker to follow your directions and mark the route you took on our mapping software.
      * A ‘Wild File’ detailing access, maps, times between huts or to complete the trip, grade (hard, medium, easy), where you finish the trip, any other useful information such as key contact details for DoC, landowners etc.
      * Photos should be hi-res digitals – please do not reduce the size of the images to make it easier to email – we can only publish photos that are hi-res (normally a file size of 1mb or larger). We no longer accept prints or slides form publication.
      * Please provide captions for the photos that detail where the photo was taken and who should be credited for the photo. Captions should be printed at the bottom of your story in the format described below
      * Stories should be emailed to the editor () or posted on CD to Alistair Hall, Wilderness Magazine PO Box 14-109 Panmure, Auckland

      Top tips to ensure quick publication of your story:
      1. Write about a trip we have not published before, or for at least a long time (you can check this by searching the trip on http://www.wildernessmag.co.nz)
      2. Write about North Island trips – we receive far more trips from the South Island, which means there’s a longer lead-in time for those stories than North island trips.
      3. Stick to the word limit, provide hi-res photos and captions
      4. Format the story as requested – this saves time at our end

      Please format the story as follows:

      Suggested heading

      Name of track/hut, National park/forest park, etc / grade (hard/moderate/easy)

      E.g. Waihohonu Hut, Tongariro National Park / easy

      Text of story goes here. 500-750 wds

      [Wild File]
      Further information

      Name of photo: Caption goes here
      Name of photo1: Caption goes here
      Etc, etc

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