Winter Trips Schedule

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    • #14401 Reply
      Chief Guide

      Attention all trip leaders

      A draft Winter trip schedule will be circulating on Wednesday night for the purpose of finding leaders to lead trips. If you cannot make club, and if you have not heard from me then please contact me if you would like to see the schedule.

      We are always looking for new volunteers to lead trips and to help out with other aspects of the club organisation. If anyone who hasn’t led trips previously would like to begin leading trips please talk to me.


    • #17874 Reply
      Chief Guide

      Attention all,

      If you are a member and you want to continue to see WTMC offering a range of trips each and every weekend then we will be requiring more of you to offer your time to lead the trips.

      If you have previously led trips and would like to lead some trips this Winter, please see or telephone me.

      Likewise, if you are a member and have not led any trips, and would like to join the ranks of a privileged few whom choose where to go and what to eat, please see or telephone me.


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